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Political News

Ealing Council Spies on Residents' Bins

U.S. Government Charity Website Confiscates Personal Data

Government, Police Spying on Public: More Big Brother

Global Domination is on the doorstep!

Mandatory drug testing to enter pubs

Swine Flu: An excuse to retain information of you

Shadow Government and population control

The Obama deception

Who's who in the New World Order

Food News

Animal Cruelty and the horrors of meat production

GM Food: Who really stands to benefit?

Hydrogenated vegetable oil: Trans Fats

Aspartame: Sweet poison

How tasty foods change the brain: A radio report on NPR Radio in America

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The Ruling Elite Playing God?

Shadow Government and Population Control

U.S. top billionaires have met secretly (but not that secretly, or how could we know?) to discuss how their wealth could be used to abate the growth of the world population amongst other things. Attendees included David Rockefeller, Michael Bloomberg (current mayor of New York), Bill Gates, media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey and investors Warren Buffett and George Soros.

Matters discussed included the supervision of overseas aid spending and the setting up of rural schools and water systems in developing countries. It was decided however that overpopulation was the priority agenda to be tackled.

It is a law of nature that when a fruit tree is starved of water and nutrients, it will produce a greater yield of fruit than it ever has before; this happens because of survival instincts. If a fruit tree is to die as a result of "starvation" it will live on through it's offspring. The same principle applies to the animal kingdom, and the human race. When faced with extreme oppression, the people of a country will "instinctively" try to ensure the continuation of their family lines, thus overpopulation occurs.

You have to ask why Third World countries are really that poor, or at best, developing?

It is ironic how the corporate elite speak of giving aid, yet corporations like Monsanto (who work very closely with the World Health Organisation), sell "terminator gene" enhanced grain "which only grows once" to poorer countries forcing them to buy more grain for planting each year, rather than being able to keep a percentage of grain back for replanting. This is the kind of greed that keeps "Third World countries" in the Third World, and poor countries have suffered this kind of tyranny for generations.

When one considers the vast riches the African continent has to offer, the mind boggles as to how it is possible for many Africans to be so impoverished. Some of the people of Sierra Leone spend all day mining for diamonds which are sold to the rich and powerful for next to no money. The diamonds are then shaped and polished and sold to people like you and I for extortionate amounts of money...which goes to the rich and powerful.

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