Underground Film Organisation

An alternative view of history, politics, and current events. Citing independent and citizen journalism, investigative reporting, alternative news, and social media sources.

Political News

Ealing Council Spies on Residents' Bins

U.S. Government Charity Website Confiscates Personal Data

Government, Police Spying on Public: More Big Brother

Global Domination is on the doorstep!

Mandatory drug testing to enter pubs

Swine Flu: An excuse to retain information of you

Shadow Government and population control

The Obama deception

Who's who in the New World Order

Food News

Animal Cruelty and the horrors of meat production

GM Food: Who really stands to benefit?

Hydrogenated vegetable oil: Trans Fats

Aspartame: Sweet poison

How tasty foods change the brain: A radio report on NPR Radio in America


Welcome to U.F.O. Media


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Who We are

UFO Media was formed as an in-person discussion group for ordinary citizens who are concerned about political, economic, and social issues affecting our world today. It grew out of frustration at sitting back and watching as our leaders destroy our quality of life and strip our civil liberties as citizens of a supposed democratic society. If you're like us, you find many current events so complex and confusing as to be overwhelming and seemingly out of our control.

We pull information from many sources, including alternative news, investigative reports, independent journalism and media, citizen journalism, and observations from ordinary people via social media formats. We remain as objective as possible and try to look only at facts and data, and analyse what is really going on behind the stories that are fed to us via mainstream news and media sources, offering independent news analysis. Our opinions are primarily reserved for the "Editorials" section (which will be coming sooon).

UFO hold monthly meetings in which we view and discuss videos and documentaries available on the internet. We also discuss articles and publications that delve into important issues of politics, the economy and financial markets, the food supply, and social issues. We are not radicals or extremists. We are concerned citizens and truth seekers who want to gain a better understanding of current events.

This website is interspersed with video clips relevant to presented topics. We encourage you to do follow-up research of your own on the information presented here. We also extend an invitation to attend a UFO Media monthly meeting.

This Month's Feature

Social Media Links
Coming Soon UFO Media's Youtube channel Visit UFO Media's MySpace Profile Visit UFO Media's Twitter Profile

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